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Terms of use

Users of the Friends of Music Society website must agree with the following conditions of use, which cover the entire content of the site (texts, graphics, images, photographs, files).

  1. The content of the site is the property of the Friends of Music Society and is covered by the provisions of Law 2121/1993, as currently in force, and by those of the international conventions on protection of intellectual property to which Greece is a signatory.
  2. Access to the site is free of charge. It is intended to inform the public of the Friends of Music Society program and allow users to make online ticket bookings.
  3. It is the responsibility of all users of the site to abide by the provisions of the legislation on intellectual property, as currently in force.
  4. It is strictly prohibited to make any use by way of sale, modification, reformatting, republication, uploading, transmission or redistribution, publication, execution, dubbing, mirroring, whether for commercial purposes or otherwise, of part or all of the material on the site, without the prior written consent of the Friends of Music Society.
  5. The user of the site accepts liability for any damage caused by illegitimate or inappropriate use of the relevant services. In no circumstances, including instances of neglect, can the Friends of Music Society accept liability for any loss or damage sustained by a user of the pages, services and options provided by the website, of which the user avails himself on his own initiative and in full awareness of these conditions of use.
  6. In no circumstances can the Friends of Music Society guarantee the accuracy, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services and options, or of their results.
  7. The Friends of Music Society reserves the right to make any change or modification to the site, to add or remove information or technical material, and to introduce new techniques or other methods to facilitate use of the site by the public.
  8. The Friends of Music Society does not control and bears no liability for the content, personal data protection policy, quality or completeness of the services of other websites to which its own site may contain links.
  9. It is assumed that minors using the site’s services have the consent of their parents or guardians.
  10. The management and protection of the personal data of the user of the site’s services are subject to the relevant provisions of Greek and European law, as currently in force. The personal data required for online purchase of tickets are as follows: full name, address, telephone number, credit card details. These data are kept in the Friends of Music Society ticket files and never disclosed to third parties.
  11. The content of the newsletters is the property of the Friends of Music Society and protected by the relevant provisions of Greek legislation and international conventions. The personal details of users are kept in the Friends of Music Society files and never disclosed to third parties.
  12. Journalists collaborating (by written instruction) with the Friends of Music Society may by way of exception make use of press releases unchanged or amend them in accordance with the principles of their professional ethics in order to promote and publicize the Friends of Music Society events. In all circumstances the press releases remain the intellectual property of the Friends of Music Society and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law and international conventions. The Friends of Music Society reserves the right at any time to deny a journalist access to the relevant page. The personal details of journalists are kept in the Friends of Music Society files and never disclosed to third parties.
  13. The above terms and conditions of use of the website, as well as any amendment, change or alteration in the said terms and conditions, are subject to Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international conventions.
    Any provision of the above terms that should prove to be contrary to the law shall automatically cease to have force and shall be removed from these terms without any detriment to the force of the other terms and conditions.

These terms constitute the entirety of the agreement between the Friends of Music Society and the user of the website pages and services. They are not binding on any other parties. No amendment of these terms shall be acknowledged or form part of this agreement unless formulated in writing and included in the said agreement.

  1. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be resolved under Greek law by the courts of the city of Athens.