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Signature Class «Next Generation Entrepreneurs -The Difference that Makes the Difference»

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The Robert Dilt’s SFM Signature Class

The Signature Class is addressed to
New generation entrepreneurs and start-uppers who will be provided with important principles and guidelines to accelerate success:

Heads of Organizations who are seeking to develop collective intelligence, re-evaluate and bridge current patterns with new-generation methodologies.
Senior management teams, interested in increasing resourcefulness and generativity with cutting edge practices.
Professionals and individuals who want to succeed in shifting to new business and life paradigms.

Robert Dilts, developer of the SFM™ approach, will present
How the genius and inspiring mindset is built up and will offer a roadmap to transfer and apply this knowledge to all those interested to:

Explore own critical success qualities
Synthesize them to generativity and innovative thinking
Create the conditions needed to accelerate with resourcefulness and increase the chances towards a more consistent success pathway in the context of :
new roles
projects core purposes

Robert Dilts – a professional sketch
Robert Dilts, a leading expert on Genius thinking, is one of the world’s foremost developers of unique approaches in innovation, leadership and success. An internationally renowned entrepreneur-consultant, he developed the pioneering approach SFM™ and has written numerous books including Strategies of Genius and the trilogy of SFM™ Next Generation Entrepreneurs, Generative Collaboration and Conscious Leadership and Resilience”.

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